Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Daniel Renfrew and T. Pearson. 2024. Entry on “PFAS Contamination.” Forthcoming in The Encyclopedia of Technological Hazards and Disasters in the Social Sciences, edited by D.A. Gill, L.A. Ritchie and N. Campbell. London: Edward Elgar.
Pearson, T. and Daniel Renfrew. 2023. “When Toxic Heritage is Forever: Confronting PFAS Contamination and Toxicity as Lived Experience.” In Toxic Heritage: Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice, edited by Elizabeth Kryder-Reid and Sarah May. Pp. 50-61. London: Routledge.
Daniel Renfrew and T. Pearson. 2021. "The Social Life of the ‘Forever Chemical’: PFAS Pollution Legacies and Toxic Events." Environment and Society: Advances in Research 12:146-163.
Pearson, T. 2016. "Frac Sand Mining and the Disruption of Place, Landscape, and Community in Wisconsin." Human Organization 75(1):47-58.
Pearson, T. 2015. "Public Anthropology and the Academic Labor Movement: Lessons from the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising." Anthropology of Work Review 36(2):52-61.
Pearson, T. 2013. "Frac Sand Mining in Wisconsin: Understanding Emerging Conflicts and Community Organizing." Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE) 35(1):30-40.
Pearson, T. 2013. "‘Life is Not for Sale!’: Confronting Free Trade and Intellectual Property in Costa Rica." American Anthropologist 115(1):58-71.
Pearson, T. 2012. "Transgenic-Free Territories in Costa Rica: Networks, Place, and the Politics of Life." American Ethnologist 39(1):90-105.
Pearson, T. 2011. "Naturaleza, neoliberalismo, y soberanía: la vida como espacio de lucha en Costa Rica." [Nature, Neoliberalism, and Sovereignty: Life as Space of Struggle in Costa Rica.] Revista Biocenosis 24(1-2):45-53.
Pearson, T. 2010. "A soberania e a vida em si: a crítica ambientalista da propriedade intelectual na Costa Rica." [Sovereignty and Life Itself: The Environmentalist Critique of Intellectual Property in Costa Rica.] In Do regime de propiedade intelectual: estudos antropológicos. Ondina Fachel Leal and Rebeca Hennemann Vergara de Souza, eds. Nicole Isabel do Reis, trans. Pp. 263-278. Porto Alegre: Tomo Editorial.
Pearson, T. 2009. "On the Trail of Living Modified Organisms: Environmentalism within and against Neoliberal Order." Cultural Anthropology 24(4):712-745.